Watch storefront windows “come alive” as local arts, theater and dance groups perform from 6 to 8pm. Arts and entertainment groups from all over the county will be participating. All will be creating holiday magic with artisans, performers, dancers and musicians.
The downtown Sycamore shops are once again gearing up for this year’s shopping marathon, Moonlight Magic. Stores will be open late for Moonlight Sales and Holiday Magic on Friday, November 22 from 6pm – 8pm. The sales will display the best deals of the season! Stroll and shop in our historic downtown for a one of a kind magical, holiday shopping experience. Our official kick off of the holiday season in downtown Sycamore. Get a head start on holiday shopping. Support our local business and help boost our economy while having fun with friends and family.
Don’t forget to dine, shop and enjoy local this holiday season. Support our local businesses that support the place where you live, work and play.
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